What is imagination?
Some people tell that the imaginations are chimera or emotion that filters from the human brain. Imagination come from a perception by the human senses combined with other ideas and most imagination think in positive terms until far away from fact because each person has difference thinking, so, may be say that imagination of human cannot the end and cannot predict and what is the scope of imagination? Which it like a spacious space.
Next question, the people can take advantage of what our imagination?
The imagination make the world have electric, provide the best science, have technology and many facilities. Because of the imagination bring us from behind to progress until to the era we called “modernity”
f in the reality that have new something to replace old things always.
But what is the boundary for divide between modernity and old?
Each person has difference separate which it depend on interpretation, knowledge or experience of each person too. Example many people expressed attitudes concern shape and form of building that the curve shape give modern feel than square shape, but in my opinion, form only cannot divide completely to be the modern because will be modern that you must to consider many reason. But it cannot a decline that form has more influence to thinking.
But another thing that is important and can indicate to the modern that is technology. In fact, the technology is also thing that due to imagine like use to talk that the imagination can create everything include technology too. These all arise from ideas and practical implementation of human.

Why technology can indicate the modern?
Because the modern world and innovative future must to depend on the technology.
Because of technology, the world has many lofty building and because of technology, that can create work hard to reality. So, can talk that modern and technology has the similar meaning such as if talk about modern you must to think about technology and talk about technology you think about modern too.
Imagination create form is my inspiration and topic of this story.
Because of we have the many imagination that make our world have the bizarre shapes but geometric shapes that make no rest on the same shape
which include the architecture on the world too. The building different shapes like twisted and look like not be used same the building of ZAHA HADID or Frank Gary . It was to think and build for respond of people and it can good quality for usable.
